This eligibility tool will take about 15 minutes and will ask you to tell us about the people in your home, the money you receive from a job or other places, your housing costs, medical bills, and child care expenses. What you share will remain confidential and secure. When you are finished, we will tell you if you qualify for programs like SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), Health Care Coverage (Medicaid/FAMIS), Child Care, TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) and Energy Assistance. You will have to create a CommonHelp account and apply for these programs to get a final decision about assistance, but we will help guide you through that process. If you want to apply online for only Health Care Coverage, then click here or call 1-855-242-8282. Ready to get started? Use the mouse to select the type of programs that you would like to see if you may be eligible to receive. Please do not use the Forward, Back or Stop buttons on your browser. Instead, use the CommonHelp buttons at the bottom of each page. Please select the type of programs that you would like to see if you may be eligible to receive.
CommonHelp is provided by the Virginia Department of Social Services